1. 我要怎麼去第二航站?
How do I get to terminal two?
1-1. 那裡有免費的接駁巴士可以載你過去
There's a free shuttle that can take you there.
2. 請問轉機櫃台在哪裡?
Where is the transfer counter?
2-1. 在那裡, 手扶梯旁邊
It's over there, next to the escalators.
2-2. 轉機需要重新辦理登機嗎?
Do I need to check in again when transferring.
3. 我要轉機去台北, 要到哪一個登機門
I have a connecting flight to Taipei. Which boarding gate should I go to?
3-1. 你可以去看看那邊的螢幕
You can check that monitor over there.
4. 過境會停留多久?
How long is my layover? / How long is our transit?
5. 我們要等1小時, 先去逛免稅商店吧
We have to wait for one hour. Let's go shopping in the duty-free shops.
5-1. 我們可以回程再買
We can buy that stuff on our way back home.
6. 我可以買多少煙酒?
What is the maximum amount of tobacco and alcohol that I am allowed to buy?
7. 請給我你的護照和入境紀錄卡
Please give me your passport and embarkation card.
8. 你來訪的目的是?
What is the purpose of your visit?
8-1. 我來洽公
I'm here for business.
8-2. 我來觀光
I'm there on vacation
8-3. 我來拜訪朋友
I'm here to visit my friend.
9. 你是第一次來嗎?
Is this your first visit?
9-1. 這是我第三次來美國
This is my third time to American.
10. 有什麼東西要申報嗎?
Do you have anything to declare?
11. 你是一個人來還是跟團?
Are you alone or eith a group?
11-1. 我是跟旅行團一起來的
I'm with a tour group.
11-2. 我來自助旅行
I'm traveling by myself.
11-3. 我跟朋友一起
I'm with a friend.